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Enrolments Open for Term 1 2017

We are taking enrolments for Term 1, 2017.

Mondays at the Sunshine Coast for 8-13 year olds (approx.): Entrepreneurship

Thursdays at Northlakes for 5-11 year olds: Maths Alive

Fridays at Sunshine Coast for 6-11 year olds (approx.): Mini United Nations

Enrolments Open for Term 1 2017

EE has expanded!  We have limited places left for Term 4 of 2016 for children aged 5-11.  Mondays and Fridays at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Thursday’s at Northlakes.   Term themes are: Science Awards challenge, Art/Architecture/Engineering and History Alive.  We also offer an optional robotics class every Friday from 3-4pm for all EE students for an extra charge.  See the One Day School Admissions page for selection criteria or call Kirsten on 1300 291 966.

Enrolments Open for Term 4 2016

From Term 3 2016, we will run classes at Northlakes Community Centre every Thursday and the University of the Sunshine Coast every Monday and Friday. We can’t wait to see more children flourish in this unique, supportive and caring environment.  Applications can me made by clicking here:

Now on Monday, Thursday and Friday

After an extremely successful pilot term in 2015, we will continue to operate in 2016 at our new location at the Institute of Professional Learning at the University of the Sunshine Coast.  We have extended our age range to include children aged 5-11 years of age.

We will no longer operate at Tanawha.  All classes will be at the University.

Now at the University of the Sunshine Coast

Our terrific, enthusiastic group of 8 gifted boys and girls aged 6-9 commenced their first day at our Tanawha site this week.  The children thoroughly enjoyed delving deep into the science and mathematics of astronomy, the elements, the atmosphere, the orbits of various celestial bodies and how this relates to the ability for a planet to sustain life.  The children demonstrated their phenomenal prior knowledge of science topics and enjoyed lively discussion and planning for the creation of their own Fantastic Worlds.